24 - 27 May 2024
24 - 27
Shanty Session
The sun is well over the yardarm so come and raise your voices.

On:Saturday 27th May 2023
Starting at:19:15
Finishing at:22:00
Entry by:Weekend or Day tickets Only
Where:The Angel
A Hotel in the centre of town, not only a weekend home to festival goers not wanting to brave canvas, the Angel kindly allow the festival use of their function rooms for many of our concerts and workshops.

Portsmouth Shanty Men
The Portsmouth Shantymen have been described as a “power harmony group” who specialize in Sea Songs, but if it’s a good song they’ll give it a go anyway!
George Dale and Mike Gibson
George is an unaccompanied singer of ballads, chorus, trad & newer. Mike Gibson. FOREBITTER OR WORSE Expect songs of the sea, & rousing choruses.