24 - 27 May 2024
24 - 27
The Kandu Collective (Concert)
The Kandu Collective local sustainable development and arts charity presents one of their up and coming artists.

On:Saturday 27th May 2023
Starting at:13:00
Finishing at:13:45
Where:The Angel
A Hotel in the centre of town, not only a weekend home to festival goers not wanting to brave canvas, the Angel kindly allow the festival use of their function rooms for many of our concerts and workshops.

Kandu Arts

Kandu Arts for Sustainable Development in their 25th year working to creatively engage using the arts to work towards more cohesive communities.

Drijen (Band)

Part of the Kandu Collective, Drijen take us on a journey through the Balkans giving you a chance to experience traditional Balkan music.