24 - 27 May 2024
24 - 27
Figuring It Out, Playford Style (Folk Dance)
On:Saturday 27th May 2023
Starting at:15:45
Finishing at:17:15
Entry by:Weekend or Day tickets Only
Where:Sports Hall

All dances are just collections of figures, it’s how they fit together and blend with the music that counts! This session includes dances containing some of the figures that are found in Playford-style dances and aims to provide a lead-in to the Playford Ball. Dances will be in a range of rhythms, speeds and challenge, but with the aim of maximum enjoyment and appreciation of this style of dancing. (G)

Albireo are a highly regarded and busy band of enormous versatility and energy, playing a wide range of dance music covering everything from Playford to ceilidh and contra.
David & Kathryn Wright
Kathryn & David enjoy making difficult dances accessible and encouraging integration of good dance technique with enjoyment of the dance.