24 - 27 May 2024
24 - 27
Positional Calling 2 (Folk Dance)
On:Monday 29th May 2023
Starting at:11:15
Finishing at:12:45
Entry by:Weekend or Day tickets Only

In Part 2 (of 2) of the Positional Calling workshop, callers who attended Part 1 will have an opportunity to practice teaching and calling positionally. Dancers willing to be patient and offer kind-hearted feedback are welcome; those who enjoyed the Positional Dancing workshop earlier in the weekend may find the discussion rewarding. (P)

English Contra Dance Band
A two piece band, based in the UK. Linda Game plays a driving fiddle style over Gareth Kiddier’s solid piano accompaniment.
Louise Siddons
Louise Siddons grew up surrounded by folk music and song. She is known on both sides of the Atlantic as a contra, English dance and ceilidh caller.