24 - 27 May 2024
24 - 27
Lunchtime Special (Concert)
A lively lunchtime concert full of chorus songs for a chance to light up the cause auditorium with a wall of sound.

On:Saturday 27th May 2023
Starting at:12:30
Finishing at:14:30
Entry by:Weekend or Day tickets Only
Where:Cause Auditorium

Bob Kenward (Band)

Original songs from the Garden of England. Bob’s wam delivery and guitar/harmonica/ mandolin entertain and amuse.

Sound Tradition (Band)

Sound Tradition is an acappella folk foursome (David, Linda, Catherine and Moose) singing in glorious harmony.

Barrie & Ingrid Temple (Band)

Barrie and Ingrid are close harmony singers with over 40 years of experience. They sing mainly traditionalist with both serious and humourous content.

Graeme Knights and Jim Mageean (MC)

Now in our 3rd Decade of singing together. Chorus songs are our speciality .Shanties, Work Songs, , Music Hall - if it's got a chorus, we sing it.