24 - 27 May 2024
24 - 27
Fiddle playing for dancers (Workshop)
A workshop With Manny Grimsley on mastering the art of playing fiddle for dancers.

On:Sunday 28th May 2023
Starting at:12:00
Finishing at:13:00
Where:Old Road Tavern Barn
At the back of the train station , look out for the gate leading to the beer garden off New Road. A local pub with a vibrant folk scene all year around. As well as regular Irish and French sessions and being the spiritual home to Chippenham Town Morris, the pub hosts music and spoken word events across all genres. They have kindly given us use of their barn for a range of workshops, concerts and sessions. These can all be found within the main programme and are non ticketed events. As well as hosting our festival events , The old Road also offers a range of Fringe events from the popular Irish Session led by Steve Morris filling the bar throughout the weekend, the infamous Stick and Bucket dance and a range of gigs and other events. These can be found within the main programme.

Manny Grimsley
A talented fiddle and melodeon player, Manny is well known on the session and dance scene.