23 - 26 May 2025
23 - 26
Vic Smith & Friends

Vic Smith & Friends

Vic Smith is a musician, accordionist, and beard wearer who has been involved in folk music since before he was born. His friends include Benjamin Rowe and Joshua Webster. Benjamin plays fiddle, with bands including Contrasaurus, Bearded Dragons, and Bluejay. Joshua came from the future to study historical folk dance from the 21st Century - so far they haven't been able to get back and have been playing fiddle for dancing in the meantime, notably with Contrary Faeries.

Programme for Vic Smith & Friends:

Sun 25th May 202511:15-12:45Musicians' Workshop: Festival Band PracticeTown Hall
Sun 25th May 202514:00-15:30American/Mixed Dance WorkshopRiverbankCharlie Turner
Sun 25th May 202516:00-17:15Festival Band DanceNeeldFrances Oates