23 - 26 May 2025
23 - 26


Momentum plays English traditional and country dances. Whether playing our extensive repertoire of classic tunes or exploring something different we look forward to playing for you. We want to accompany you every step of the way and send you home happy! Ali enjoys English traditional and country-dance tunes best, as there are so many powerful tunes for the energetic and beautiful tunes for the romantic. She believes in the old adage: 'the music will tell you what to do.' This means supporting the caller who teaches the steps and figures, and finding out what will give the dancers momentum. Ali plays accordion a bit like a melodeon and wishes there were more opportunities to play piano.

Bill has danced all over England: well, from Yorkshire to the West Country anyway! He is an experienced sound engineer but in Momentum he is on the riskier side of the mixer desk. He plays bones and whistle and is a key part of the band's get up and go.

Meg plays guitar and percussion. With many years experience in playing for dancing and a wicked sense of humour, she is just the person you need for a dance party. She lives in the Midlands and likes to play English and traditional tunes, but is easily persuaded to accompany everything else with her many friends in the world of traditional dance.

Thomas plays the recorder and piano for Playford and other English social dancing, and also plays the 5-string banjo. He plays with Momentum and other dance bands, and for various dance clubs around London. He also enjoys social dancing, calling and singing. He has his own website with tunes, puzzles and the TORUS tune identification system.

Programme for Momentum: