23 - 26 May 2025
23 - 26

Jump to: Sunday, Monday

Saturday Dance Displays

Click on a team to learn more about them, click on a venue to find out where it is.

SatIsland Park StageBorough ParadeMiddle High StreetMarket SquareRose and CrownHigh St BridgeOutside St AndrewsOutside Olympiad
1030Aldbrickham ClogBlack Adder MorrisBourne River MorrisCardiff MorrisChippenhamCry HavocCuckoo's NestTipyn O Bopeth
City ClickersEllingtonEnglands GloryHankies Gone AwryHeaps MorrisHereburgh MorrisHips and HawsSweyn’s Ey
FirestoneOld Meg MorrisSweet RapperMadder Mill MollyMary Rose Royal Grg Moonlight Morris WinterDownBorder
1115ApplejacksOld Speckled HenOrder of the Geep Alternative MorrisOuse Washes MollyPecsaetanPennyroyal Garland DRegency RejiggedRockhopper Morris
First Class StampSteampunk morrisSussex Junction MorrisSutton MasqueTemporary MeasuredThe Tattered CourtWhitethorn MorrisNew Moon Morris
TappalachianNAMELESSKittiwake MorrisNorthgate RapperBlackrockDancing AcademyGalliardIcknield Way
1200Aldbrickham ClogTipyn O BopethBlack Adder MorrisBourne River MorrisCardiff MorrisChippenhamCry HavocCuckoo's Nest
FirestoneHereburgh MorrisHankies Gone AwryEllingtonHips and HawsEnglands GloryWinterDownBorderHeaps Morris
First Class Stamp Old Meg MorrisSweet RapperSweyn’s EyMadder Mill MollyMary Rose Royal Grg Moonlight Morris
1245BlackrockRegency RejiggedWild ThymeOld Speckled HenOrder of the Geep Alternative MorrisOuse Washes MollyPecsaetanPennyroyal Garland D
Dancing AcademyRockhopper Morris New Moon Morris Steampunk morrisSussex Junction MorrisSutton MasqueWhitethorn Morris
GalliardTemporary Measured The Tattered CourtKittiwake MorrisNAMELESSIcknield WayNorthgate Rapper
City Clickers       
14001400 - 1500
 1400 - 1500
1400 - 1500
1515Aldbrickham ClogCuckoo's NestTipyn O BopethBlack Adder MorrisBourne River MorrisCardiff MorrisChippenhamCry Havoc
First Class StampEnglands GloryHips and HawsHereburgh MorrisHankies Gone AwryHeaps MorrisEllingtonOld Meg Morris
TappalachianSweyn’s EyMadder Mill MollyMary Rose Royal Grg Sweet RapperWinterDownBorderMoonlight MorrisBlackrock
1600ApplejacksPennyroyal Garland DRegency RejiggedRockhopper MorrisOld Speckled HenOrder of the Geep Alternative MorrisOuse Washes MollyPecsaetan
City ClickersSussex Junction MorrisSutton MasqueThe Tattered CourtIcknield WayNorthgate RapperTemporary MeasuredSteampunk morris
FirestoneNew Moon Morris Dancing AcademyWhitethorn Morris GalliardNAMELESSKittiwake Morris

Sunday Dance Displays

Click on a team to learn more about them, click on a venue to find out where it is.

SunIsland Park StageBorough ParadeMiddle High StreetMarket SquareRose and CrownHigh St BridgeOutside St AndrewsOutside Olympiad
1030First Class StampMadder Mill MollyKnights of King InaHankies Gone AwryGalliardEnigmaCuckoo's NestBlack Adder Morris
Spank the PlanksTaylor's MorrisNAMELESSTreacle Eater ClogSutton MasqueSussex Junction MorrisPigsty MorrisSarum
1115Knickerbocker GloryPecsaetanOuse Washes MollyWild ThymeNorthgate RapperMoonlight MorrisMary Rose Royal Grg Malmesbury Morris
 Sweet Coppin ClogTheale Tattoo Order of the Geep Alternative MorrisSahara Sisters Bellydancing groupSteampunk morrisTemporary Measured
1200First Class StampKnights of King InaHankies Gone AwryGalliardEnigmaCuckoo's NestBlack Adder MorrisMadder Mill Molly
Spank the PlanksSussex Junction MorrisSutton MasqueSarumPigsty MorrisTaylor's MorrisNAMELESSTreacle Eater Clog
1245Sahara Sisters Bellydancing groupOrder of the Geep Alternative MorrisWild ThymeNorthgate RapperMoonlight MorrisMary Rose Royal Grg Malmesbury MorrisOuse Washes Molly
Sweet Coppin Clog  Steampunk morris Temporary Measured Pecsaetan
Theale Tattoo       
1330First Class Stamp       
1515Knickerbocker GloryHankies Gone AwryGalliardEnigmaCuckoo's NestBlack Adder MorrisMadder Mill MollyKnights of King Ina
Spank the PlanksSarumPigsty MorrisTaylor's MorrisTreacle Eater ClogNAMELESSSussex Junction MorrisSutton Masque
1600Knickerbocker Glory Northgate RapperMoonlight MorrisMary Rose Royal Grg Malmesbury MorrisOuse Washes MollyOrder of the Geep Alternative Morris
  Temporary MeasuredTheale TattooSahara Sisters Bellydancing groupSteampunk morrisPecsaetanSweet Coppin Clog

Monday Dance Displays

Click on a team to learn more about them, click on a venue to find out where it is.

MonIsland Park StageBorough ParadeMiddle High StreetMarket SquareRose and CrownHigh St BridgeOutside St AndrewsOutside Olympiad
1030  Bell's AngelsChippenhamMadder Mill MollyNorthgate RapperPecsaetanSussex Junction Morris
1115ApplejacksTaylor's MorrisSteampunk morris     
1200 Sussex Junction Morris Bell's AngelsChippenhamMadder Mill MollyNorthgate RapperPecsaetan
1245Applejacks Wild ThymeTaylor's MorrisSteampunk morris   
14001400 - 1500
 1400 - 1500
1400 - 1500
1515ApplejacksPecsaetanWild ThymeSussex Junction MorrisBell's AngelsChippenhamMadder Mill MollyNorthgate Rapper
1600   Steampunk morrisTaylor's Morris